
Queries & Theories: Creating Healthy Communities

July 17, 2020
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Queries & Theories: Creating Healthy Communities

For our fourth Queries & Theories webcast (hosted live on July 16, 2020), Carl Elefante, FAIA, FAPT moderates as Liz York, FAIA, LEED AP, Principal of Healthy Design Collaborative, Inc. & Shannon Wray, CID, IIDA, LEED AP, Senior Interior Designer at Quinn Evans, explore the challenges of creating healthy communities.

Following WWII, Winston Churchill observed, “First, we shape our buildings; thereafter, they shape us.”

Was Churchill right? Do conditions in the built environment affect individual and public health and wellbeing?

The Hippocratic Oath commands, do no harm. How has the coronavirus pandemic changed our ability to create environments that do no harm?

What has been learned in recent years about creating healthy, nurturing, and safe schools? Has the pandemic changed these principles and practices?

How has workplace design evolved in recent years? Has the pandemic impacted these concepts?

Watch our Queries & Theories: Session 4, Creating Healthy Communities webcast recording below.

View the transcript here.

Learn More About the Speakers

Liz York, FAIA, LEED AP, serves as a senior architect & strategist for a federal public health organization and Principal of Healthy Design Collaborative, Inc. For over 20 years, she has been a link between public health scientists and facility management experts, and has facilitated cross-sector collaborations that improve the sustainability & health of our food system, our communities, and our buildings by developing cross-sector tools like FITWEL. Liz has received two White House awards for Sustainability, been named to the Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Sustainability Who’s Who, and has been recognized by the AIA as a Fellow for her work to impact health and wellbeing by empowering architects to build better environments.

Shannon Wray, CID, LEED AP is a senior interior designer at Quinn Evans. Shannon’s portfolio includes academic and public libraries, K-12, higher education, and government projects, where she often works with multiple stakeholders and diverse program requirements.

Carl Elefante, FAIA, FAPT, is principal emeritus at Quinn Evans. The former president of the AIA, he is a longtime champion of sustainable design and stewardship and a pioneer in design concepts for historic and environmental preservation.

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