
Quinn Evans COVID-19 Status and Policies

Jeanine Quaglia
Jeanine Quaglia
May 4, 2020
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Quinn Evans COVID-19 Status and Policies

As we monitor and learn more about the potential impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus, Quinn Evans is working to protect the health and safety of our employees, consultants, clients, and communities while continuing to serve our clients and their projects. We are closely monitoring the changing situation and stand ready to adapt to address issues as they arise. Our current policies to address safety and performance are as follows.


All staff are directed to follow the CDC and local jurisdictions’ recommendations for hygiene and social distancing, whichever is more stringent.

  • The entirety of the Quinn Evans team has been working remotely since Monday 16 March 2020.
  • Employees are required to document individuals with whom they have had contact through the course of workday on their daily time sheets.
  • Meetings are to be held using a remote platform; no in-person meetings will be supported by Quinn Evans until further notice.
  • Employees who are sick, showing signs of sickness, or have been exposed to someone who is sick are required to notify their management team, and remain at home for a minimum of fourteen days after symptoms have subsided.
  • All non-essential (domestic and international) travel has been cancelled.
  • Employees who have recently traveled to high-risk areas or have come into contact with those who have, are required to remain at home for a minimum of 14 days after last contact.


The Quinn Evans team has been working remotely in full force since Monday 16 March 2020. Since the 16th, project teams, the local office organizations, and the firm at large report that work at all locations has been proceeding effectively within the remote format.

  • The Quinn Evans team is supported by secure IT infrastructure that has been tested to support the full capacity of the organization. The security, bandwidth, and redundancy of this infrastructure has been developed over the past twelve years, as QE steadily increased flexible and remote work capabilities.

    o   All staff have secure remote access to the information, software, and collaborative tools that they use to perform.

    o    Our data service includes excess bandwidth to provide this access efficiently; at this time some staff experience occasional delays in accessing data, associated with local network capacity outside the Quinn Evans system.

    o   As more of the population shifts to remote work, local network capacity may be overwhelmed at times, and connection speeds may decline. This and associated impacts on productivity would affect all local businesses. While this is not a significant issue now, we will continue to monitor this going forward.
  • The Quinn Evans team is supported by an exceptional group of IT and administrative staff using robust help ticket and feedback systems.
  • Quinn Evans teams use a suite of communication tools and methods that correspond to our firm, office, and team structures to maintain positive, effective, and healthy connectivity.

    o    Microsoft Teams, Newforma, Slack, Outlook, Revit / BIM360, GoTo Meeting

    o    Redirection of office phone calls to remote phones.
  • Site Critical Work. Required field work is performed on an individual as-needed basis, maintaining extreme social distancing as currently recommended by the authorities listed above.

Our Consultant Team

We are continuously monitoring the situation with an awareness that additional steps may be needed at any time. We have directed our consultant teams to share their situational action plans for coordination purposes.

Project Status and Schedule

As conditions stand today, we do not anticipate challenges or delays in delivering interim or final submissions for projects. We are monitoring the situation closely, and will notify you if changes to the following strategy are required.

  • Communication. You can continue to reach me, along with all other Quinn Evans contacts with their usual phone and email. Please do not hesitate to reach out if your situation changes or you would like further information.
  • Upcoming Meetings. We propose to hold our upcoming meetings remotely using GoTo Meeting.
  • Travel. No project-related travel is anticipated. Quinn Evans is not supporting non-essential travel at this time.
  • Project Milestones and Submissions. With the above strategies in place, we anticipate proceeding with projects according to the agreed-upon project schedule.

We appreciate your working with us during these demanding times and are working to ensure that we deliver the same quality of service that you have come to expect from us while fulfilling our civic responsibilities and safeguarding the health and safety of our clients, partners and staff. We will continue to update this page as things evolve. Together, we can find our way through this. Thank you.

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