Celebrating Works on Paper
Nancy Dorman and Stanley Mazaroff Center for the Study of Prints, Drawings and Photographs
Nancy Dorman and Stanley Mazaroff Center for the Study of Prints, Drawings and Photographs
The prominent location of the Center for the Study of Prints, Drawings, and Photographs allows the Museum’s world-class collection of works on paper to be experienced by a larger audience. Dedicated galleries provide flexible areas for changing exhibits, and transparent openings allow visitors to see into areas used by curators. The layout, storage, and work areas are designed to preserve delicate works for future generations to enjoy.
The core of the project is a study room that provides researchers and student groups with a secure space to experience the artwork up close. The historic Franzoni Arch serves as the centerpiece between the study room and galleries.
This project was complex on many levels, including dealing with multiple stakeholders. Quinn Evans was communicative and nimble, and managed the project with care, expertise and creativity.

Protecting Sensitive Collections
Works on paper are easily damaged by strong light, temperature swings, and unbalanced humidity. Our design for the gallery keeps light levels low, but the artwork visible. Special storage areas provide appropriate climate conditions for a wide range of works.

A Museum on a Mission
In recent years the Museum has updated its mission to focus on social equity in its collecting and its service to the Baltimore community. Our work at the Center supports this mission by expanding the public’s access to the Museum’s 67,000+ works on paper spanning from the 15th century to today.

Working Within a John Russell Pope Building
The new Center is located within the Museum’s core building, which was designed by renowned architect John Russell Pope and dates to 1929. Our design re-establishes Pope’s carefully proportioned spaces and axial connections. A formerly bricked-in opening has become the entrance to the study room.